Blood of a Poet

The first in Jean Cocteau’s Orpheus Trilogy.
Trailer above with haunted new soundtrack by Doctor X, (DJ Spooky also had a go in another version)
Full film here with original soundtrack (minus last few mins)

full film here

Cocteau reused the statue look for the caryatids in Beauty and the Beast. Finally, toward the end of the film, he has Miller walk around with eyes painted on her eyelids:

Right into the uncanny valley. Interestingly, the effect is only apparent when Miller looks at the camera. Look closely at the first still in the review and you’ll see that her eyes are closed there, as well.

Cocteau said that the eye painting was done because he wanted Lee Miller to move like she was blind; he wasn’t interested in the visual effect, but in the way her movement would be different with her eyes closed. By the same token, his sideways hallway is there to make Rivero’s movements more unnatural. I can’t think of another filmmaker who used special effects to change the performance of his actors, rather than just their appearance.

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